New, visiting or old and crotchety pilots, friends or anyone interested in paragliding - you're all welcome to attend our monthly club meetings where we spend about 90 minutes talking about Paragliding. We cover everything from a trip report from an exotic flying site, to safety issues, discuss the ins and outs of local flying sites, or whatever people want to discuss!
We meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month (except Dec and Jan). The location is typically Zoom now days, but there will be some Tiger LZ BBQ meetings during the summer, and eventually we'll meet in the Banquet room at Enzo's restaurant in Issaquah. Meetings start time varies, but assume somewhere between 7, 7:30 or 8:00
In December we hold a special awards dinner and gala, and January there is no meeting. Make sure your email is up to date and you'll get notified of meeting details about 10 days prior.
Picture - Enzo's banquet room with food, drinks and friends waiting to be met.